INTERPRETASI : Communication & Public Relation <p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify;"><strong>INTERPRETASI: Communication &amp; Public Relations</strong> merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Institut Bisnis Muhammadiyah Bekasi, dan diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Teknik dan Komunikasi Institut Bisnis Muhammadiyah Bekasi. Jurnal memuat hasil penelitian ilmiah dengan tema: Keilmuan Komunikasi, Public Relations, Media Industri, Marketing Pemasaran, sosiologi dan budaya. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali setahun (semester genap terbit bulan Juni dan semester ganjil terbit bulan Desember).</p> Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Teknik dan Komunikasi Institut Bisnis Muhammadiyah Bekasi en-US INTERPRETASI : Communication & Public Relation 2746-7961 KOMUNIKASI POLITIK CALON LEGISLATIF PEREMPUAN PDI PERJUANGAN PADA PEMILU LEGISLATIF 2024 DI KABUPATEN BEKASI <p>This study aims to determine the political communication strategy used by a particular political party, Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) for female legislative candidates in the 2024 legislative elections in Bekasi Regency. The research used a descriptive qualitative approach. Data was collected using interview techniques with five informants. The results revealed a number of elements of political communication in relation to the PDIP's political communication strategy for female legislative candidates in the 2024 legislative elections. Party administrators as political communicators while providing direction to their female candidates. The political messages conveyed to the community focus on their abilities and background expertise to help the community which leads to voting. The channels used, in addition to social media, also use public communication channels, social communication and use MPP online-based applications. The political targets or targets of the candidates are quite broad, because they are not limited by targets from women's groups only, but are more general ranging from student groups, community members, and other community groups. The political communication strategy used by PDIP Bekasi Regency on female candidates in the 2024 legislative elections is a vertical political communication strategy, party administrators and female candidates in the context of providing direction from party administrators to female candidates through small meetings, technical guidance, consolidation and coordination</p> Kornelia Johana Dacosta Khoirul Anwari Copyright (c) 2024 INTERPRETASI : Communication & Public Relation 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 4 2 67 81 10.53990/interpretasi.v4i2.339 STRATEGI MARKETING PUBLIC RELATIONS PT ISS INDONESIA DALAM MEMPERKUAT CITRA PERUSAHAAN <p>Companies that want to succeed, grow and develop must have a positive image. This is necessary so that the company can attract public attention to the company's products and services offered. However, PT ISS Indonesia's business journey does not always go well, because it is faced with the character of potential customers and customers who are quite diverse. And it can affect the company's image. This study aims to determine the marketing public relations (MPR) strategy of ISSin strengthening the company's image, with the research method used is qualitative descriptive. Researchers use Thomas L. Harris' Three Ways Strategy Theory and Frank Jefkins' Image Theory. Data were collected from non-participant observations, semistructured interviews, and literature studies at PT ISS Indonesia. The results showed that PT ISS Indonesia's MPR strategy succeeded in strengthening the company's image by using the Three Ways Strategy, namely Push Strategy, such as participating in exhibitions, seminars, and publicity through events. Then Pull Strategy (interesting strategy) in the form of making souvenirs, printing brochures, company profiles, flyers, publications through websites, social media, trainings, holding Customer Gathering activities, Global Heart Award Award, ISS Innovation Expo, while for Pass Strategy (persuading strategy) with social activities such as blood donation activities, breaking the fast, giving compensation to orphans, slaughtering sacrificial animals during the celebration of Eid al-Adha and inviting to guard environment for more clean and healthy living.</p> Tatu Oktaviani Budi Suswanto Anna Nurjanah Copyright (c) 2024 INTERPRETASI : Communication & Public Relation 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 4 2 82 101 10.53990/interpretasi.v4i2.328 ANALISIS SEMIOTIKA FERDINAND DE SAUSSURE PADA IKLAN “PASTI PUAS DI BLIBLI TIPU-TIPU“ <p>Iklan merupakan bagian dari komunikasi yang terdapat pesan di dalamnya namun dalam iklan tidak selalu memberi maksud tersurat secara langsung, melainkan terdapat makna tersirat melalui symbol, tanda dan sebagainya. Artikel ini menganalisis iklan "Pasti Puas Di Blibli Tanpa Tipu Tipu" dengan menggunakan kerangka pemikiran semiotika Ferdinand de Saussure. Artikel ini berfokus pada tanda-tanda verbal dan non-verbal yang terlibat dalam pembentukan makna iklan. Melalui pendekatan ini, artikel mengungkap bagaimana kata-kata seperti "Pasti Puas" dan "Tanpa Tipu Tipu" menjadi penanda yang merujuk pada konsep kepuasan dan kepercayaan. Analisis juga melibatkan dinamika hubungan antar-tanda, ekspresi visual, dan konsep arbitrer tanda dalam konteks budaya. Sejauh mana iklan ini berhasil menggabungkan elemen-elemen ini untuk membentuk narasi persuasif dan membangun citra positif Blibli menjadi fokus utama diskusi. Dengan merinci sistem semiotika iklan, artikel ini menyediakan wawasan mendalam tentang strategi komunikasi yang digunakan untuk menarik perhatian dan memengaruhi persepsi konsumen. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode kualitatif untuk menggali makna dan struktur semiotika dalam iklan Blibli. Data dikumpulkan dari iklan "Pasti Puas Di Blibli Tanpa Tipu Tipu" dalam format: teks dan gambar. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui penanda –petanda pada iklan "Pasti Puas Di Blibli Tanpa Tipu Tipu".</p> Muhammad Raihan Catur Sunu Wijayanto Fitria Iswari Enny Nurcahyawati Copyright (c) 2024 INTERPRETASI : Communication & Public Relation 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 4 2 102 113 10.53990/interpretasi.v4i2.329 UPAYA BAGIAN PELAYANAN DALAM MEMBENTUK CITRA POSITIF PASIEN PADA KLINIK HARMY MEDIKA <p>This research aims to determine the efforts of the service department in forming a positive<br>image of patients at the Harmy Medika Bekasi Clinic. This research involves an interview<br>process and data collection techniques using qualitative methods. Excellent service is caring<br>for customers by providing the best service to facilitate the ease of fulfilling their needs and<br>realizing their satisfaction, so that they are always generous to the Company, therefore this<br>research is to identify problems involving the theory of excellent service in the A6 concept.<br>The results of this research provide more in-depth knowledge regarding the conditions of<br>health services that occur around the researcher. And becomes a reference for experience and<br>application of knowledge gained during studies that is accepted by researchers both in theory<br>and practice.</p> Mayang Ika Aprilliana Zulkarnain Alfisyafrin Reni Novia Copyright (c) 2024 INTERPRETASI : Communication & Public Relation 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 4 2 114 121 10.53990/interpretasi.v4i2.346 PERAN PUBLIC RELATIONS DALAM MENINGKATKAN CITRA PERUSAHAAN MELALUI PENGELOLAAN MEDIA SOSIAL INSTAGRAM @DUACOFFEE <p>This research aims to explore the role of Public Relations in improving the company's image through managing social media Instagram @DuaCoffee through posts, stories and reels. and understand how Public Relations can play a role in building and maintaining a positive company image through managing Instagram social media. Samples come from customers, followers of Instagram @DuaCoffee through Public Relations activities carried out through the management of Instagram social media @DuaCoffee. The research method used is a qualitative approach using in-depth interview techniques with business owners and customers. The research results show that the role of Public Relations in managing social media Instagram @DuaCoffee has supported increasing customers and improving the company's image. Furthermore, it is hoped that it can provide input to companies in developing an effective role towards audiences and society. Understand the importance of Public Relations in building a company image through Instagram social media. This research will provide an understanding of the important role of Public Relations in improving the company's image through managing social media Instagram @DuaCoffee. The results of this research can be a basis for other companies to optimize efforts in managing social media by involving public relations. Researchers explain the importance of the role of Public Relations in building a company's image and maintaining good relations with audiences and the public. Through references from several previous studies such as journals, books and theses.</p> Muhamad Faisal Ramadhan Reni Novia Sri Hesti Copyright (c) 2024 INTERPRETASI : Communication & Public Relation 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 4 2 122 135 PELATIHAN KOMUNIKASI AGILE DALAM PRAKTEK BRAND LEADERSHIP DI IKABOGA INDONESIA <p>Struktur Organisasi yang linear dan pendekatan komunikasi organisasi mekanistik dan terpusat pada pemimpin membuat organisasi tidak berkembang, program organisasi tidak memiliki value sebagaimana kesan yang diterima oleh masyarakat boga Indonesia. Tujuan pelatihan ini memberikan pemahaman tentang komunikasi agile Ikaboga pusat sebagai organisasi dengan kapasitas brand yang dapat menuntun tindakan kepemimpinan brand&nbsp; diseluruh Indonesia, sehingga Ikaboga dapat membangun masyarakat boga Indonesia yang Profesional. Metode pelatihan yang dilakukan konsultasi dan advokasi untuk memberikan solusi solusi terkait kasus yang dihadapi organisasi. Hasil pelatihan ini adalah menjembatani solusi komunikasi organisasi pada anggota organisasi dalam praktek komunikasi yang lincah dan mengikuti perkembangan inovasi yang dirancang bersama dengan peserta pelatihan Ikaboga Indonesia pusat untuk menguatkan identitas organsisasi</p> Heni Gusfa Ponco Budi Sulistyo Retno Multrarti Copyright (c) 2024 INTERPRETASI : Communication & Public Relation 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 4 2 136 153 10.53990/interpretasi.v4i2.364