The Impact of Job Promotion and Work Discipline To Employee Performance at Kantor Pertanahan Kota Bekasi


  • Rini Ardista Program Studi Manajemen STIE Tribuana
  • Annisa Triwandini Program Studi Manajemen STIE Tribuana



job promotion, work discipline, employee performance


 The study aims to see if promotions and job discipline have affected the performance of employees at the bekasi city land office. The population in this study is the staff at Bekasi city land office. The sample pickup uses a population of 30. Data analysis methods use a correlated technique with product product, cromback alpha, and linear regression with the help of SPSS programs. Studies show that promotion (x1) has significant effect on the performance of employees (y) (sig. 0.002 < 0.05) and value t count (3.328) > t table on the right (1.672) and for t table on the left of the table (2.042). Work discipline (x2) has significant effect on the performance of employees (y) (sig. 0,000 0.05) and the value of t count (3.904) > t table on the right (1.672) and for t on the table on the left for (2,042). As for the results of the test f of promotion (x1) and work discipline (x2) have significant impact on the performance of employees (y) (sig. 0,000 0.02) and the value off count (7.750) > f table (4.170).




How to Cite

Ardista, R., & Triwandini, A. (2023). The Impact of Job Promotion and Work Discipline To Employee Performance at Kantor Pertanahan Kota Bekasi. SMART : Management Journal, 4(1), 38–50.