The Analysis Selection Process of Indonesion Immigrant Workers'Job Performance Intervend by Job Location

Case Study at Manpower Division - Medan Area


  • Penny Charity Lumbanraja Magister Ilmu Manajemen Universitas Sumatera Utara



job performance, immigrant, social worker


Important assets that must be considered in the implementation of national development are SDA (natural resources) and HR (human resources). In general, the success of a company or organization depends on the people involved in it, so a strategy is needed to achieve this. This research is intended to determine the effect of the selection process on the performance of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) with work placement as an intermediary variable. The data collection techniques are surveys, interviews, and questionnaires. While the research method used is simple random sampling method. This study has 100 PMI respondents, and analyzed using SEM analysis. The results of this study are the positive and significant influence of the selection process on the performance of migrant workers through job placement as an intervening variable.




How to Cite

Lumbanraja, P. C. (2021). The Analysis Selection Process of Indonesion Immigrant Workers’Job Performance Intervend by Job Location : Case Study at Manpower Division - Medan Area . SMART : Management Journal, 2(1), 28–38.