Analisis Penerapan Etika Bisnis Islam Dalam Mekanisme Pengajuan Produk Pembiayaan Griya Rumah Baru Di Bank Syariah Mandiri Kantor Area Thamrin – Jakarta Pusat
Islamic business ethics, sharia housing financing, application mechanismsAbstract
Researchers see some people still do not understand about the mechanism in applying home financing products in sharia banks. This research aims to provide information about the process of applying for sharia-based housing financing, but also wants to know whether the process has implemented Islamic Business Ethics and the foundation of law and sharia. Islamic Business ethics theory refers to the instrument or regulation of three principles of regulation of the Financial Services Authority No. 4/POJK. 05/2018. About secondary housing Financing Company Article 8 paragraph (3) namely the principle of justice (' ADL), balance (Tawazun), Benefits (Maslahah), and Universalism (Alamiyah), does not contain things forbidden, such as Riba, Maisir, Gharar, Zalim, Risywah, Maksiat, Haram object, and carried out by using AKAD in accordance with the fatwa of the National Sharia Council of Ulama Indonesia (DSN MUI). The collection of research data is done by observation methods, interviews, and documentation. Analysis is done with a qualitative descriptive approach, using source triangulation