Peer Review Process

  1. Authors are required to register (Registration) and submit their manuscripts through OJS to be able to submit articles to the DIRHAM Journal.
  2. Manuscripts submitted to the DIRHAM Journal will go through a review stage, namely pre-review and substance review. Manuscript processing is entirely through OJS (Full OJS): Submissions.
  3. Pre-review of the manuscript is carried out by the Editorial team to see the suitability of the article with the focus and scope of DIRHAM. Pre-review time is between 1-2 weeks.
  4. Plagiarism screening of manuscripts submitted to BALANCING is carried out with Turnitin.
  5. Substance Review will be conducted by two double-blind reviewers. Review time is between 8 weeks (1-2 months). If desired, reviewers can request a review after the author has reviewed the manuscript.
  6. The Results of the review can be in the form of acceptance, revision and rejection of the manuscript. The decision is the authority of the Chairman of the Editorial Board based on the recommendations of the reviewers.