Focus and Scope

JUPITER : Journal of Computer & Information Technology contains the results of scientific research with the focus & scope:

  1. Algoritma (Algorithm)
  2. Arsitektur Komputer (Computer Architecture)
  3. Kecerdasan Buatan (Artificial Intelligence)
  4. Komputer Grafik (Computer Graphics)
  5. Digital Forensik (Digital Forensics)
  6. Pengolahan citra (Image Processing)
  7. Interaksi Manusia Komputer (Human Computer Interaction)
  8. Internet of Things (Internet of Things)
  9. Jaringan (Networking)
  10. Keamanan Teknologi Informasi (Information Technology Security)
  11. Machine Learning (Machine Learning)
  12. Teknologi Game (Gaming Technology)
  13. Mobile Computing (Mobile Computing)
  14. Sistem Informasi (Information Systems)
  15. Sistem Informasi Geografis (Geographic Information Systems)
  16. Sistem Operasi (Operating System)
  17. Sistem Pakar (Expert System)
  18. Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (Software Engineering)
  19. Robotika (Robotics)
  20. Pengalaman Pengguna (User Experience/UX)
  21. Antarmuka Pengguna (User Interface/UI)
  22. Teknologi Blockchain (Blockchain Technology)
  23. Jaringan Nirkabel (Wireless Network)