Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengajuan Surat Pengantar Nikah Berbasis Web Di Kelurahan Pengadegan Jakarta Selatan
Marriage cover letter, pengadengan village, webAbstract
The process of making a marriage cover letter which is done manually by having to come directly to the local RT or RW at the Pengadengan village office currently creates an obstacle for prospective brides who want to register their marriage, especially during a pandemic such as at this time who are required to carry out physical distancing in order to breaking the chain of spread of the covid-19 or corona virus. The purpose of this research is to create a web-based online marriage cover letter making system. It is hoped that this system will be able to simplify matters of making marriage cover letters without having to come to the village or sub-district office. The system development method that will be used is the Waterfall method. This method is still often used because it has a sequential flow and is suitable for developing software with unchanging specifications. This model provides a software life-flow approach starting from the analysis, design, coding, testing, and support stages. This application is tested using the black box test, which is testing the software in terms of functional specifications. Testing is intended whether the input and output functions of the device comply with the required specifications. The results of this application test concluded that the expected functions were all successful and accepted in accordance with the wishes of the research objectives.
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