Pemesanan Paket Wisata Tour And Travel Berbasis Android Menggunakan Metode Object Oriented Analysis And Design (OOAD)
Agile Development, blackbox testing, funding application services, laravel frameworkAbstract
This research aims to improve and implement a Management Information System for a website-based student funding application service at Nahdlatul Ulama Al Ghazali University (UNUGHA). The aim of creating Simpelmas is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the student service process by the Unugha Student Affairs Bureau. Especially services for applying for student funds. This research uses an Agile Development method approach as a system development method. Based on the results of the analysis of the proposed information system, Simpelmas was designed and developed using the Laravel Framework, using the PHP programming language, and using the MariaDB database. Simpelmas includes features for applying for operational funds and activity funds, as well as features for submitting submission results reports, archiving student funds, managing student organization annual funds, and managing student organization data. Apart from that, this system also provides an interface for admins to easily access and update organizational data and student activity funds. Testing of this system was carried out using the Blackbox Testing method. The test results show that Simpelmas can help improve efficiency and quality of service in applying for student funds at Nahdlatul Ulama Al Ghazali University. Users can easily access information, go through the application process and submit activity reports. In conclusion, it is hoped that Simpelmas can prove its benefits in increasing the effectiveness of the student service process. Future research could further develop this system by adding new features and testing it to make it a better website.
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