Metode Certainty Factor Untuk Mengidentifikasi Gizi Buruk Pada Balita
Certainty Factor Method for Identifying Malnutrition in Toddlers
Certainty Factor, Expert Systems, Forward Chaining, MalnutritionAbstract
Malnutrition is a condition of malnutrition caused by low consumption of energy and protein in daily food intake. Malnutrition disease has claimed so many lives and what is even more ironic is that most of these victims are babies under five years old (toddlers). The Expert System Application for Identification of Malnutrition in Toddlers using the Certainty Factor method is a knowledge management system that is easy to use and dynamic. This means that experts can add, change, and remove new knowledge or rules without having to start from scratch. System design was carried out using the Waterfall model and modeling language using UML. Meanwhile, the programming language used is PHP using a MySQL database. This expert system was built to identify malnutrition in toddlers. This expert system uses the Forward Chaining inference method and the Certainty Factor method. The results of consultation tests with this system show that the system is able to determine the type of disease along with initial countermeasures and solutions that must be implemented, based on the symptoms previously selected by the user.
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